Self-doubt will kill your dreams before anyone else has the chance to. It will demolish, immobilize, and deter you from whatever you thought you wanted to accomplish. On more days than I can think of, I’ve let it drop a bomb on my goals. I’ve been throwing this pity party for way too long and believe me I’m more than tired of it.

This self-doubt thing is a b-!

When I see my peers out here hustling, thriving and accomplishing their goals, I congratulate them while silently cursing myself. I keep wondering what’s stopping me from investing in my own future. I know I’m just as capable if not more capable of getting out there and making my dreams come true. But here’s the difference: my peers have stopped hoping and wishing–they are out there grinding. Despite their fears and insecurities, lack of money or even know how, they have found a way to do exactly what they wanted. They stepped on to that ledge and jumped. While I’m still stuck here peering over the ledge, they haven’t looked back once.

I’d love for someone to show me how they did it, but I know that hustling and grinding doesn’t always have an exact recipe. There is more than one way to reach your successes and goals, but it seems I haven’t found mine yet.

This self-doubt shit is a bitch and she’s killing me softly.

I have stared in the mirror imagining, reaffirming, saying allowed that I am capable of any and everything I put my mind to. Yet, here I am again worried about my grammatical mishaps and run on sentences. I’m worried about my audience not comprehending my ideas as I’ve intended them to be perceived.

For years I’ve dreamt of doing more than working for someone else and accomplishing their goals, but like a real-life board game, I keep encountering roadblocks. The message is always profoundly stated: Do not pass go; do not collect $200. It’s a mental block that isn’t allowing me to share or express my feelings in the way that I’d like to. How many insecurities can I share with you before I get to my talents? I’ve got a million and as of now, that aren’t doing me any good.

Believe me, I’m tired of giving myself this self-doubt pity party. I’m tired of telling myself I’m going to get it done the day after tomorrow. You know that expression, “I’m sick and tired or being sick and tired,” well that’s my undesired motto. I can’t stand being mediocre; I’ve got too many talents to share. I know I have the potential to create, galvanize, and inspire, but self-doubt is at the forefront of it all.

She’s a bitch who’s killing me softly and suffocating my soul.

There is a tiny voice in the back of my mind that’s cheering me on, ready to scream out loud, ready to make that YouTube video, share my vegan recipes, take pictures of strangers, start the photography business, write my book and GIVE THE WORLD MYSELF in my purest form, but I CAN’T manifest those wants into reality, and I don’t know why. Apparently, that little voice isn’t enough to motivate me in to action.

This self-doubt bitch is choking the life out of me, but I don’t know how to overcome her. She seems to be winning this war and I’m sharing my frustrations with the world.


Scared, intimidated, and a little defeated.
