+ Forever Twenty Somethings I graduated from college… now what?

+ Early Mama I’m a 27-year-old mother, wife, and optimist. Once upon a time, I was a college-grad magazine intern with a solid 10-year plan until a (surprise!) pregnancy shook up my goals like a giant Etch-A-Sketch.

+ Twenties Collective A collection of writing and pop-cultural musings. Mission: to make everyone a little less miserable, and a little more kumbay-fing-ya.

+ Marevoli I’m a twenty-something that is finding my way and bloggin’ about it.

+ So Called Millennial I agree with authors Howe & Strauss that Millennnials are pragmatic idealists.

+ Advice from a Twenty Something is a stylish and aesthetically pleasing destination written by an honest and down-t0-earth point of view.

+ Real Life, Actually Musings of a 20-something, unapologetic, married, mama, who makes it clear that you don’t have to lose yourself in a sea of dirty laundry and spaghetti sauce the moment you become Mrs. Mom.

+ Never Serious Blog I’m a 20-something total mess and self-proclaimed expert of nonsense.

+ Twenties Unscripted A Sincere, Sassy And Sometimes Smart-Assy Take On Growing Up

+ Mariah Thompson A blog for twenty-something women and the way they think.

+ From A Wildflower Raw and real journal entries, from your girlfriend on the other line. Like chicken soup for the twenty + thirty-something year old soul. Your Ultimate Guide To 20s + 30s Life.

+ Millennial Minded on Forbes With my involvement in ForbesWoman, I’ve found that millennial women especially are finding unique ways of redefining success in light of our rapidly changing society. I’m interested in these new types of success and new ways of achieving power that were not possible before.

+ Twenty-Something I just recently turned 23 and made a big change in my life: I moved 1,000 miles from Pittsburgh, PA to Orlando, FL to live with my long-distance boyfriend of over a year.

+ Life At Twenty-Something I certainly don’t know all the answers and maybe I never will, but I share my thoughts, offer my opinions and most of all I keep asking questions about this wonderful, crazy, roller coaster ride that is the twenty something life.

+ Gen Y Not Rather than have other people speak about the issues impacting young people, it is time to allow youth to speak about the problems themselves– giving them a mic and an audience to share their voice. No one voice represents us all.

+ Lost Gen Y Girl Kayla Cruz is a young twenty- something just entering the work force hoping to share her experiences with other Gen-Yers.