**The use of ‘G-d’ is not intended to offend anyone who may believe differently, agnostically, or atheistically. The word can be changed to ‘Universe’, ‘Energy’ or whatever seems fit.

“Sometimes its so dark you feel buried, but you’ve actually been planted” – Unknown

Day and night, Good and Bad. Stress and Peace. Pain and Comfort.
In everything, thank G-d.

That is the greatest challenge. There is so much good in the world, so much to be grateful for. It takes an unshakeable faith to say “Thank you G-d’ the minute something goes ‘wrong.’

Now here’s a game changer…everything is from Him.

Everything is working for the ultimate best and all these ‘bad things’ that happen..are only tests to make you stronger. Sometimes it’s to bring you to a place where you turn to G-d. Think of it as a ‘Don’t forget about me. Come back; I miss you and have loved you all along. I’m still with you, I always am” message.

Sometimes tests are to challenge you, to really see what you’re made of and prepare you for what is next. Its like:
“oh, you you’re moving to a new place alone? you want to start your own company? You’re starting to become your own person and chase your destiny? BAM! heres a challenge, it will make you stronger.
BAM! This one will make you wiser.
BAM! This will question everything you believe in…..but when you’re done your belief will only become greater”

Just as we have the bright and glowing sun that wakes us up, we also have a dark night that can bring stormy weather, pain and fear. Both needed, both interconnected and both from G-d. What’s the hardest thing you’ve had to ‘thank’ G-d for?

Breakdown after breakdown you think that you get the hang of it. ‘Thank you G-d that I was sick today. Thank you for that flat tire. Thank you that I was late to that interview..everything is from you. Everything is for your perfect plan, i’ll look back and see it one day.

But what about the things that are more serious? More terrifying and scarring. How does the parent who lost a child easily say ‘everything is from you G-d, everything happens for a reason?’
That faith/belief is unimaginably unwavering and does it exist? Yes. I have seen it.

This morning has been particularly hard, the concerns don’t really matter because I know what it is. I’ve been praying for a stronger faith and changing my intention and week-after-week the challenges come.

I haven’t been able to say it yet, for some reason today my ego wants to hold onto my pain and worry. I look at the clock and wonder how long will it be ’til my lips say, “thank you’”. To grow the way I want to, i need to. . . . but time is passing and I’m still hurt. I’m still afraid and maybe a little mad.

So I write, to turn this into something that can hold meaning for myself. In all honesty, I’m no writer, I’m just telling and sharing my moments and stories. I write for me, to release, to bring clarity and peace…to live – in a way.

Time passes and I’m still waiting for those words to come. I don’t know when but soon.

Image: Laura James


Noa Sharp
Blog // FAWF posts featuring Noa Sharp