Do you love yourself and are you comfortable in your own skin?

When it comes to relationships, do you know yourself well enough to know who you are and what you want in life?

Have you set boundaries and established your deal breakers and the terms you consider non-negotiable?

If this describes you, listen up.

If this doesn’t describe you, listen up anyway, because you’re going to hear some things that will help you in your quest to become the best you that you can be.

You know what happens when you meet someone who potentially seems like a great candidate for a life partner?

You vet, vet, and then vet some more.

And then, you make an educated decision – and you ACT.

That’s what Tia and Josh Delano did.

They met on Facebook, and –

Disclaimer: Tia Delano shares the interesting story of how she and her husband Josh met (on Facebook) and married (the same weekend they met). This is what can happen when (1) You know yourself, (2) You know what you want/don’t want, and (3) You vet. Very. Well!
