HOW TO MAKE YOUR V-DAY A ME-DAY: TIPS FOR THE SINGLE VALENTINE | February 14th is bigger than just one day out the year.

We all know that almost as immediately as the “New Year” hype dies down- Valentine’s Day lives. Red and pink paraphernalia and teddy bears can be found at every local grocer as early as the first. And although harmonious couples around the country blissfully welcome such marketing tactics, the rest of single-America loathes them.

So before you take a baseball bat to cupid’s piñata or a knife to a heart shaped balloon, here are a few ways to cure your V-day blues!

1 AHH, THE SPA, | While everyone else is packing on the pounds through mounds of candy, treat yourself to something sweet, minus the calories. Spa packages include chocolate facials, milk and honey baths, and seaweed wraps. Although most February deals are reserved for duos, there are some that won’t single you out. Check out: for year round spa specials and idea gift packages.

2 NOT-SO-ANTI-SOCIAL EVENTS | It’s bad enough you feel lonely, so why be alone? Mingle with singles at an Anti-Vday event in your area. And before you think this is a sad excuse for drunk karaoke, a lot of these parties are pretty popular. Along with complimentary candy and roses for all the ladies, last year Croton lounge in NYC also passed out half of a playing card to all attendees at the door, and each guest who found their pair received two drinks on the house. Club Amnesia offered free psychic readings all night to their guests. Or if you want to go the extra mile, you can ‘rock the boat’ at a singles-themed cruise event! Find out what’s going on in your area at:

3 GIRLS NIGHT “IN” | A couple of cocktails and tall-tales makes for a fun evening indoors with friends. Along with a pitcher of red-wine sangria and an endless game of “Never-Have-I-Ever”, you and your friends are sure to enjoy the evening. Be sure to create an itinerary of games to play that focus mainly on embarrassing stories that take “liquid courage” to reveal. Create a menu of fanciful themed “hors d’oeuvres” so you can eat your heart out! Recipes such as “Valentine Mini-Pizzas” or “Love Apple Bruschettas” can be found at:

4 MY FUNNY VALENTINE | Before you sing the heart-break blues, why not tickle yourself pink? Singles-themed comedy shows are all the rage on the 14th. If you’re love sick and in need of some comic relief, look up your local listings for a club in your area. Brokerage Comedy Club in Bellmore, NY will be hosting their huge comedic affair on February 14, 6:30pm. Like the old saying goes, “Laugh now, Cry Later”, but we say try laughing to keep from crying at all!

5 SHOP-THERAPY | What’s an extra couple bags to a woman with baggage? Say hello to each good “buy” as you get yourself those new pair of shoes or that new handbag you’ve always wanted. With any holiday, sellers may be looking to increase costs, so be mindful of your spending and modest with your spree! Just because your heart is broken, does not mean you should break your bank. Because if you think being solo on the 14th is bad.. try being broke on the 15th.

Kisses to my misses.
