This Is What You Think It Means to Be Nineteen
after Lana Del Rey

Pabst Blue Ribbon and hydroponic weed. Unprotected
sex in his best friend’s backseat. Black
lipstick kisses imprinted on plastic cups. Fake
IDs and crappy Miami clubs. Accepting
backstage invitations from rock “musicians.” Placing
back-alley bets to pay for college tuition. Binging
and purging in place of regret. Trading
ritzy hotel rooms for hospital beds. Hiding
track marks and bruises under black lace sleeves. Midnight
basement parties and nosebleeds. Chugging
vodka soda and stealing Marlboro Lights. Visible
hickeys and a missed call from his wife.

SI7m5Yt6Lauren E. Milici is a resident Dharma bum, wannabe bodhisattva, and real gone chick. She pens confessional poetry and believes that the best art is derived from naked honesty. @thrashingdoves

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