I care too damn much. I care about what people think, I care when someone doesn’t like me, I actually obsesses over why someone doesn’t like me. So I came across this article from inoveryourhead.net called The Complete Guide to Not Giving a – and it basically gives you a rundown on social aspects that people who care about other peoples feelings face. I had an epiphany. It’s time to start not giving a freak, especially since people don’t give a freak about me.

What I learned from this brilliant article is that people are going to judge you no matter what. Some people aren’t going to like you and it’s okay because there’s nothing you can do about it. It’s important to live life at it’s fullest and happiest instead of slaving over people trying to make them see that you are likable.

You don’t need everyone to like you. It’s something you’ll get used to in time but it’s definitely not the end of the world, just keep doing you and ignore the haters.

Keep all your focus and energy on the people who matter to you like your friends and family. All the people you come across at school or work really don’t matter, only focus on those who truly care.

“Those who don’t give a -, change the world. The rest do not.” Just imagine trying to reach your full potential in this life while worrying about others or trying to impress others, it’s damn near impossible. Not to say that you need to be cold, just be selfish over your self.

Do things that you would never dare to do. Think of all of the things you don’t want to do because you’re afraid of what people might think. Start doing them. There’s this girl I work with who is dark skinned but wears this bright blonde hair. People watch her sideways, giggle at one another when she walks by, but I admire her because she does what she wants to do. She’s resilient. She doesn’t give a…

No more being passive aggressive. I have a boiling point, so if someone gets me to that point, I’ll see red and go off on someone. So I’ve been trying an approach where if someone makes me upset I step back and breath – and sometimes maybe even leave the room. It doesn’t work for me. The only way I can move on is to speak on it to resolve the issue.

“Tell the truth.” Not to be an asshole but when the time arises, don’t avoid conflict. Be the person who isn’t afraid to step outside the line. Don’t be afraid of having people disagree with you.

Start over. I feel as if I change this about myself I can truly be free from the restrictions I hold against myself. I know I can be something amazing if I start not giving a damn. You can too. So lets start unlocking our true potential and leave the haters behind.


Jade of Bring Me Flowers