What is it to be nice? And to what extent are you willing to go to in order to appear innocent? Or approachable? Or rather, “like a lady”?

It seemed as though the damsel in distress would always come out on top. It’s as if femininity is synonymous with being weak. Even young girls are taught from early on to play the role of victim while being patient. Snow White had to sleep for years until a prince’s kiss awoke her out of a deep slumber. Rapunzel had to wait for someone to climb her long locks in order to rescue her from her window. And in Cinderella, the main characteristic that symbolizes her evil step sisters as antagonists, is the fact that they are both outspoken.

Modern day Disney-film remakes would show Snow White as an aspiring business woman who wakes HERSELF up after realizing that nothing comes to SLEEPERS except for DREAMS. Rapunzel would have a hustler’s ambition and would instinctively cut her hair off to create her own rope to climb down from. In the end, she’d flip that chopped-and-screwed ‘do into several packs of “Remy” to sell. Furthermore, Cinderella’s sisters wouldn’t be so bad after all and their “gift of gab” would no longer be considered a curse.

He assured me that there is a desirable aftermath that comes from solving most problems with strong and effective language that is sure to leave an impact. There is a power in the tongue when applied and EXECUTED correctly. Sometimes arguing is the easiest way to lose a few good points. I prefer to express any intense regard towards something or somebody in a cool, calm, and collective tone while sounding politically correct. It’s easier to be taken more seriously when you do so and as always- I am SO sincere.

For example, I’m nice, but I’m also nice at being mean, I’ll make you reevaluate your self-esteem. Is this to say that I’m bitter? Na, far from it! Actually, I’m an optimist that is always in search of positivity while in pursuit of happiness. I can’t stress it enough how I get a boost out of boosting the self-esteem of others. I love engaging in motivational conversation. I give everyone the benefit of the doubt… that is until their luck runs out. However, do not confuse playing COOL with being COLD. Just be careful of who you warm up to, that’s all.

Anyone who knows me knows I grew up as the “little brother” for about half my life. [insert laugh] I am still struggling with many insecurities but I have enough sense of security where as I am not completely irrational in my emotions nor my reactions to them. This means that most times when I feel bothered, it’s with good reason. If I feel threatened in anyway, l “hit hard with sledge hammers with that platinum grammar.” I am not above being humbled nor am I above humbling others.

But I am a believer of being in touch with reality. And let’s be real, people really know how to push buttons nowadays. However, there is a time and a place for everything. Always RESPOND assertively, and if need be, REACT accordingly.

Today, being AWARE is what will ensure you victory. Be kind, but don’t be weak. Have plenty patience, but keep your tolerance for BS to a minimum. It’s okay to HURT but most importantly, know how to HEAL.
Take pride in all that is you. Make sure you run your “Queendom”, and run it well. Although it’s hot to be a boss, not everyone is worthy of a promotion, so don’t hesitate to “demote” yourself temporarily in order to make them GET IT. Just don’t make it a habit to be on the bottom when the only place for you is at the top.

September 2, 2014
So I promised I would murk em LOL. Love that one!
September 2, 2014
Likewise! That and the last quote, “you’ll always win so long as you have a soft heart and tough skin!” Love!
September 2, 2014
Amazing article