Hey Princess,

I’m writing this letter as a struggling but courageous young woman. A young woman that’s terrified of thunders and roaches, but nevertheless, still is a courageous wench. You see, being courageous can simply mean facing an ordeal but the courage I’m talking about is far beyond that. The courage where you defend those that can’t defend themselves. The courage where you persevere in the face of adversity. The courage where you stand up for your beliefs. The courage where you graciously apologize when you are wrong. The courage where you don’t lose yourself in this world. That’s the courage I’m talking about.

You see baby girl, to be courageous is to be strong. Embarking on the journey called life isn’t a simple task for anyone. There is a good possibility that you would encounter classmates that call those full black natural hair “nappy”, teachers that tell you that you are not smart enough to be a lawyer or doctor, and boys that can appreciate that beautiful chocolate skin but pay it no mind. See, as your mother, I’ve faced the same problems and the only way I’ve made it thus far with my head held high is because your grandparents made me belief otherwise. They made me feel like a princess, they told me I could become anything I wanted and now I’m telling you the same. The color of your skin does not define you but it has a huge impact on how you view the world.

See, mom is a huge control freak. I freak out when things don’t go as planned. I have a huge problem accepting that failure is a part of life but the truth is, we fail because the road to success is indeed not a straight path. Don’t be afraid to try something new because of the fear of failure. Yes, failing is hard but there is nothing worse than the feeling of not trying. Try your best and if you fail, don’t dwell on it. Move on and try again. Our success stories are far more interesting because of the road bumps along the way. As you embark on your own life journey, I pray that I can help you find and develop all the positive characters it takes to survive and make it through with your dignity still in intact. I want you to love courageously, live with a purpose, and savor every moment.


Let me clarify before my phone starts blowing up: I AM NOT PREGNANT. This is something I wrote a while back for my FUTURE daughter and felt like sharing.

Pitched Entry

Image Source: Karen by Gilles Bensimon, 1991