If Not Now, Then When?
On my sixteenth birthday, I pulled out a pen and the cleanest piece of paper I could find and I penned a bulleted list titled, “Things to Accomplish by 18″. On my eighteenth birthday, during my first semester of college, I slid my iPhone 4 out of my pocket and made yet another list, “Things to Accomplish by 21″.
Let’s just say I’ve always been a fan of lists.
I consider myself a big dreamer. I dream because it’s simple, because it exists in my subconscious — ever presently allowing me to remove myself from current reality and escalate to my definition of paradise. I remember being young and sitting under my kitchen dining table with my brothers and planning out our lives. “When I grow up…,” I said as I drifted into the uncharted depths of my imagination. My dreams were vivid, they were colorful, they were the last page of a fairy tale.
We all dream, we are all afraid to dream. We’re afraid of what it requires of us and we hide away our secret hopes in coves of our minds. We rationalize why not’s, give reasons and excuses, and evaluate our current situation only to decide it’s not the appropriate time to pursue the very things we so greatly desire. “Perhaps when I get this amount of money,” we say, or “As soon as I graduate,” or this or that. We limit our dreams, rid them of possibility, and push them into a future tense of complacency. What we fail to recognize is that there is no better time than the present. Read The Rest Here