Today I am so grateful because I have reached a new level of self-love. Now, to some this may seem trivial and mediocre, minute to say the least. But for me, it is a milestone. I now truly understand that I no longer need to look to a man to tell me what I should already know to be true for myself. I AM BEAUTIFUL!!! I actually feel it in my heart, a sense of proud, genuine self-validation; this overwhelming sensation of self-acceptance I have flowing through my body gives me chills — and it only took me chopping all of my hair off to get here.

When I finally decided that I was going to chop it off, it was a conscious and intentional choice I made to no longer consider what other people thought of the idea. No longer did I care whether one person thought my head was too big or if another thought my face didn’t have the shape for a short cut or if someone said, “But you look so much better with longer hair, why in the world would you cut it?”. I made a choice to focus on what I wanted and how it would make ME feel. Whether you find my hair cut attractive or not is of no relevance to me. I love it, and that’s all that matters!

Now, if the old me wanted to cut a significant amount of my hair off (especially in its natural and kinky state) I would probably look to someone else to validate my choices; to tell me it was OK and that I could definitely pull off the look. But now, I can look in the mirror and speak words of loving kindness to myself – and actually believe them.

I am now my own cheerleader and it feels AMAZEBALLS!!! I no longer need your approval. And your disapproval or unkind words are neither welcome or needed. (But, if you’d like to give me a compliment, I’ll kindly accept with gratitude in my heart and a shy grin on my cheeks).

I am so proud to call myself WOMAN and I embrace my right to love me unconditionally. I am beyond elated, blessed to enter a new phase of appreciation for the woman I was created to be…set apart from the rest!

A pleasant, sweet smelling aroma of genuine love now fills the atmosphere and it is so pleasing to my spirit. So I want to take a moment to say: Thank you, Self! Thank you for learning to love you completely and with your whole heart. I’ve been waiting all of my life to meet you!


S. Sonia is a Family Advocate by day, and a poet, writer and blogger by night. Belizean bread – one of her favorite past-time includes indulging in some good ol’ Caribbean cuisine. She uses her blog as an outlet & platform, hoping her journey can inspire Queens out of the shadows of their fears and into the light of their destiny. // @QueenInTheShdws

Image Source: Model, Adja Kaba