Falling in love with me never felt so good. And it’s not a vain type love. No! It’s an intentional, in-depth, concrete and genuine dose of self-accepting type love. Who knew? Who knew having such a deep love for me could shed light on my worth. Introducing me to my value. Familiarizing me with what I deserve. Acquainting me with what I should and should not accept, as a woman & as a human being.

Who knew? Who knew a love like this could fill a void so deep in my soul. For so long I thought I needed others to fill this void – hallow, wide, far and empty. This black hole needed your love. It needed your validation, your acceptance, your affirmation. It needed you to see my beauty. But, no more!

No more does that insecure girl exist. She is long gone. The new she that is me says, “Good riddance, old self”. Daily I will encourage the new her. I will affirm her and I will love her, unconditionally.

Having felt this kind of love, how could I ever go back? Why would I return to the loneliness, the confusion, the pain, and the doubt?Why would I choose to go back to feeling like dirt; dark brown crust lodged in-between the soles of ones worn steel toe boots? No more!

No more will society put me down, no more will I allow myself to be treated like I am less than. I am not less than, I am more than! I am more than a conqueror, more than an insecure vessel, more than a sex object, more than a tool to be used, pounded and thrown into a red box with a loose, rusty handle. No more!

I am meant to be free. I am meant to fly high, to break barriers, to smash glass ceilings beneath my 5 inch stiletto heals. I am WOMAN! Get to know me. I am choosing to create a path of more than enough. I am, more than enough!

Who knew? Who knew falling in love with me could feel so good!

Get to know me. I AM WOMAN and there is a mighty strength that lies beneath the surface of my skin. Below the stretch marks swimming on my hips and thighs, you will find my ability to stand strong. Under the hills of my bosom pounds the heart of an overcomer. Strengthened by my mistakes & bad choices, fortified by lies untold, stimulated by the discomfort imparted at the hands of others I’ve entrusted my soul.

But, I AM WOMAN! And I love the woman I have become, the woman I am becoming.

Get to know me, just as I am getting to know me. My soul now experiences a refreshing bout of my own loving daily. Who knew?

God – I thank you! I thank you for the pain. I thank you for the disappointments. I thank you for the “no’s”, the “not right now’s” and the lessons learned. Because of your love for me (at times unrecognized & unacknowledged), I am now able to love me, unconditionally!

Thank you for calling me as I am. I am Woman, phenomenally!


S. Sonia is a Family Advocate by day, and a poet, writer and blogger by night. Belizean bread – one of her favorite past-time includes indulging in some good ol’ Caribbean cuisine. She uses her blog as an outlet & platform, hoping her journey can inspire Queens out of the shadows of their fears and into the light of their destiny. // @QueenInTheShdws

Image Source: Model, Arlenis Sosa