“You are important to me…I need you to survive.”

I was boarding the subway when I heard the tune blast through my headphones. What would the world be if we actually cared about each other? No, not just the people you know in your own life. Not just your family. Not just your boo. Not just your best friends. But the people that you don’t know. The people you’ve never met. The people you may have heard about on the news, read about in the papers, seen in the movies.

Well, guess what? I care about you.

I do. That’s why I started this blog. For us.

And I need you to survive. No, I don’t just need you to survive.

I need you to survive.

The train stops, but it must start up again to make it to its destination. The trees sway in the storm, but soon they are still. The river dries up in the drought, but the rainy season eventually comes.

I want you to stay strong. And I don’t care how many boxes of Kleenex you need. When it runs out, don’t buy anymore. Because you’re going to be alright. I’ve seen homeless people become millionaires. I’ve seen the outcast become kings. I’ve seen people who couldn’t read become teachers.

I have seen the impossible become possible.

So that’s why I need you to survive. Because there is darkness and there are the naysayers. But the haters never win. As long as you don’t give up.
I’m rooting for you.


Liane is an art-fanatic and tech-enthusiast living way too far above the Mason-Dixon line. Based in New York City, Liane loves creating content of impact — whether it be a longform human interest story or a webpage with banging design. An active contributor for Clutch Magazine, her work has appeared in Ebony, CNN.com, and other online publications. / Official Website, Bauce Mag and BMG. / IG + Twitter: @limembo