I tore off the rear view mirror yesterday. Busted it with a hammer, let the glass shatter, and chucked it out the window on I-95. Moving forward involves the process of not looking back, packing up the lessons learned into your shiny new plastic suitcase and leaving the baggage right there on the roadside.

It also involves the process of relieving yourself of burdens, emptying out the trunk of your car so that extra weight doesn’t limit your miles per gallon and slows you down. Shaking it all off, so your set free again like a bird, ready for new heights.

You can’t look back. One second off the path could veer you right off the road. That’s why eyes remain focused. The steering wheel’s gripped. The tank is full. License in hand. Old country tunes are playing in the deck. I’m ready.

I’m a survivor, baby. I never give up.

With a tattered tissue, I dust that last thing off my shoulder.

And let it go. I’m watching it, the tissue, float off in the wind.

I’m moving on now. It’s only up from here. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes.


Liane is an art-fanatic and tech-enthusiast living way too far above the Mason-Dixon line. Based in New York City, Liane loves creating content of impact — whether it be a longform human interest story or a webpage with banging design. An active contributor for Clutch Magazine, her work has appeared in Ebony, CNN.com, and other online publications. / Official Website, Bauce Mag and BMG. / IG + Twitter: @limembo