As the old saying goes- if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. As I get older, I’m realizing that more and more people are addicted to the idea of being dependent on others. It seems that more men and women want to think less for themselves and allow for all decisions to be made collectively as a group. It’s as though people are scared to execute anything creative or risky and rather fail ‘safely’ and accordingly along with others.

I’m good.

As I’ve learned, pulling from within is the surest way to ensure you’ll never be without. The security of a group, team, or partnership is cool, but ultimately you have to know how to depend on you. There is no ‘I’ in team, but there is a ‘M-E’! I’ve also learned that when you do YOU, you will eventually meet and attract others such as yourself. I’d much rather be associated with a collective group of strong, like-minded individuals versus an individual group of people waiting to collect from one person.

So remember- embrace the strength that lies within your mind, heart, and soul. Although new friends come and go, relying on yourself never gets old!