“Say it loud! I’m black and I’m proud!”

That funk song by James Brown makes me want to shimmy all up this stair bannister. Love it!

I wear my “I’m black” button badge with pride. I identify with it, I love it, it is what I am.
I have worn other badges too.

“I’m a failure.”

“I’m not good enough.”

Even though they have weighed me down, I seemed to have trouble taking those badges off my pretty dress.

Everyone has badges on their dresses.

“Ph.d Student”.

The more badges the better.

There’s even people running around pinning badges on other people’s dresses.

“You, you are an extrovert!”

“You’re so mean!”

You let them pin the badge to your lovely dress and you go on while the delicate fabric rips from the weight of all the badges attached to your gorgeous frock.

Do you know that you can take that badge off, look at it, consider if it’s true, and throw it away?

You can choose what badge you wear with pride on your pretty, pretty dress.

What badges are you wearing on your dress today?

If there are any that are holding you down, those that are not true…pull them off and twirl twirl twirl, you amazing princess, you.


ps/ got fomo