
I’m on the run, running as fast as I can in the direction of my dreams.

They will always be on my mind no matter what I’m doing in life.

So why not pursue them?

Why not stop being afraid of what I have been gifted with and fully pursue it?

My independence comes from knowing who I am and being happy with myself.

Fear? That’s the only thing holding me back, it’s the only thing holding anyone back from fulfilling their purpose and dreams. Fear.

Fear of failure will never bring my dreams into fruition.

Fear serves absolutely NO purpose.

There may be a struggle in the pursuit of the dream that God has placed in my life and it may not to be easy. But you can bet that all that I need will be right in front of my face. Things will align themselves and I will find myself wondering what took me so long when all I needed was right there.

“He who began a good work in you will finish it”.

My maker will not finish what He created in me.

I can run and ignore the calling but no matter what, The Creator won’t stop pushing me in the direction of the purpose for my life.

Stop running from your dreams and start running in their direction. Hunt them down, chase them relentlessly but whatever you do, do not stop chasing them.

Doing so would be a be a disservice to the creator of your being.

Why deny yourself of your calling?

Dream big and dream often.

Dream so much that your reality and your dreams are hard to differentiate. Dream so much that your dreams BECOME your reality.

Dream my Beautiful, Dream.