Nowadays 20-something virgins are as extinct as dinosaurs…or are they?

In this day and age where everything is over-sexualized, being an adult virgin is shunned and frowned upon. People automatically assume something is wrong with you and that if you haven’t done it by now, you’re undesirable or socially awkward.

Whatever happened to not rushing things and letting nature take its course? What if people would rather be in a committed relationship or be comfortable and trust a person before going that far? What about people’s religious beliefs?

Sex and the risks that come with it are still taken very lightly and if an adult has never had sex and isn’t in a rush to, why is it such a big deal? Teen pregnancy is a generational phenomenon, but adult virgins are still taboo. Kids having kids is almost deemed acceptable, but being a virgin as an adult is deemed taboo. Am I missing something here?

It’s become so common for people to have children early that even those of us who don’t have children are still asked if we have kids. I’m 25 and it’s still feels strange when people automatically assume I’m a mother or I have to clarify that the little boy in pictures with me is my baby brother, not my son.

Everyone is entitled to making their own decisions whether it’s due to religious beliefs or based solely on a personal choice. No one should be judged or deemed weird because of that, considering all the other shocking issues we’re dealing with in this day and age.

It can be an extremely awkward situation during conversations if you’re one of the very few amongst your peers who hasn’t had sex. Some give in due to peer pressure while others feel self-conscious. The need to fit in in this society can be a major blow to one’s self esteem even as an adult. Some men also claim that they would never deal or date with virgins simply because they don’t want to deal with the ramifications of being a woman’s first; whatever that means.

Some people would rather live by their own standards, which is completely normal. Don’t people wait until they’re ready to make their first big purchase such as a home or car? So what’s the difference?

Society has a funny way of casting judgment and adding their two cents when it comes to one’s personal choices (see: gay marriage, abortion, contraceptives, etc.) when in reality it has absolutely nothing to do with them, nor will it have any effect on their daily lives.

Contrary to popular belief 20-something virgins aren’t uncommon and there’s nothing “wrong” with them just because they decided to wait a little longer. People just have to do what’s best for them.

Between unplanned pregnancies, STDs and those pesky things I like to call emotional feelings people seem to get after being intimate with someone, ain’t nobody got time for that. “It” will happen when it’s supposed to. In the meantime, I’m chillin’.
