There’s too much distraction, too much clutter and too little meaning.

Our reverence for the simple things has fallen by the wayside.

I need to get away from it all, if only in my own mind. I’m tired of my actions being driven by the standards of excess and consumerism.

I’m changing lanes.

Creating more space for the things that give me real, sustainable joy.

I’m a product of an excessive society, and I’ve been conditioned to associate abundance and satisfaction with acquiring things.

When I’m bored, I buy.

When I’m not feeling pretty, I buy.

When I’m sad, I buy.

When I’m happy, I buy.

Every time I get money in my pocket, I’ve already spent it in my mind.

The media has conditioned me to buy things to stay relevant – to show my style, my fresh, my success.

I succumb due to my fear of lack.

It is a fear that tells me that there is not enough to go around, so I better get mine now.

This is the underlying emotional pattern I’ve identified within myself that truly needs attention.

In my heart of hearts, I know that buying things is a vice that gives my ego the tangible evidence it wants in order to prove that I’m worthy.

In America, and particularly in the Black community, we chase shiny things just to show that we can have them.

As children, we felt cooler and more accepted when we had the hottest new toys.

Many of our families couldn’t afford to give us the latest and greatest, so we overcompensate as adults.

We buy cars we can’t afford, clothes we may only wear once or twice and invest more of our earnings into our appearance than we do into building wealth.

The idea of having less when we have the means (or not) for more, is entertained by few.

Having less stuff requires more individual character.

As an alternative, most of us prefer to live through our representative characters.

That representative character wants to be admired and respected, preferably in designer clothes.

We live in a competitive society, where our possessions and our appearance are a big part of determining our status.

We often spend beyond our means and overindulge to maintain this representative and keep up with the insatiable, material world.

As a result, we stay surrounded by trivialities and filled with a false sense of worth.

I’m refocusing my lens.

If you know like I know, we are happening to the world, the world is not happening to us.

With that in mind, I want my environment and my possessions to reflect love, meaning and purpose because those are the things that are important to me.

I’m tired of being surrounded by things, spending money on more things and never being satisfied.

I don’t need to wear my success or drive it, I can show it through my contributions to the world.


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