some nights sleep does not come and i am left suspended between slumber and wake; heart full of more than mind is able to put into words.

some days i miss everything. things i have known and things i have not. friendship. evening walks. romance. phone calls into the AM.

sometimes i want to be outside at these hours. 1am, or 2 or 3. on a rooftop, overlooking a busy city. lights and people in the distance.

somehow i think that is where i belong. on the edge. close enough to witness life, but not near enough to live it. safe. easy. comfortable.

someone once said they thought me “tragically wounded.” the way my guards are always up; insurmountable. a fortress around my heart.

something inside makes me careful.
the same thing that causes my lonely.

f. gabon

Image Source: Arena UK, July 1998 // Model: Helena Christensen