This is not a race.

It is so easy to get distracted by what is going on around us. We see people we know making huge accomplishments, and then we look at ourselves and feel like we have not accomplished anything.

This is not a race. Your journey has been designed just for you. Your lane has been paved so that your unique contribution to the world would make a difference in its own time.

Don’t get caught up in time. It is easy to think you should have it all at this moment, but coming from personal experience, I can see that each moment brought me to where I am right now. Even as I am writing this book.

The best thing you can do with your time right now is use it to create, and do what you love. You are not too old or too young. As long as you are alive, the time is now. Celebrate the accomplishments of those around you, and be
inspired by their journeys.

It’s not about how or where you start. Just start. You will never really know what you are capable of until you release those beautiful ideas from your mind, and share them with the world.

Jonnita author of Five Ways to Get Your Ideas out of Your Head

Image Source: “Look”, Vogue Italia, April 1990 // Photographer: Marco Glaviano // Model: Michaela Bercu